Mylo Interiors

The uniqueness is the Luxury

Michel Haillard

The tellurism of Michel Haillard-

Michel Haillard has a powerful artistic vocation he carries within himself; he makes clear proof of it with its dreamlike furniture and ornaments which transform certain elements of our daily life: dressers, chairs, tables , consoles, armchairs, into real abstract sculptures and at the same time useful . From his vision of Art everything becomes a sculpture or tends to become one.

His furniture , ornaments and objects are all cries of shape and highlighting the materials; these creations are made to haunt our imagination , like the Gaudi buildings or the sculptures of Gonzalez and Gargallo , they have the power to seduce us and be part of the totems and taboos pieces of art; they speak a strange language, the one of the current and contemporary prehistory we found in our present. This  » powerful vein » according to the beautiful expression of Baudelaire, is upon us; she broke into our eyes and our minds. Michel Haillard seeks and finds the soul of each material and learns the language that is his and which suits him.

Mixing the light and the material to the subterranean forces offered by nature; the artist splint it every day in his alchemical lair, his studio, overcrowded shelves, tables and floor: horns, bronzes, skins, carnelian, silver, glass, crystal, bone, ivory, hair … Victory is at the end of this slow struggle, this constant research, this perceptible joy in each creation. Finally neither wood, or horn, or bone, or skin or bronze are heavy; materials are both present and absent, the ornaments don’t hide the furniture they complement and ennoble. Humble, they are required to feed the gentle dreams of the creator and boost those of Amateur- collector. Michel Haillard creations are unique and so personal, marked with the seal of great talent and with a tame barbarism never listed on our retina and in our heart.

Michel Bohbot

Expert in Contemporary Art

Historien de l’Art


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